Corrosion Engineering & Material Selection
FIMS expert Materials and Corrosion Engineers work with our clients’ project teams to anticipate the corrosion rates to which their asset will be subjected during the lifetime of the project. We select materials and specify wall thicknesses, design appropriate corrosion inhibitor injection, and otherwise mitigate the risks of corrosion and cracking to protect the asset throughout its design life in the most economical and efficient way possible.

Corrosion Evaluation and Analysis
FIMS expert Materials and Corrosion Engineers are adept at modelling the anticipated corrosion rates for our clients’ greenfield projects as well as evaluating corrosion rate data and NDE results for existing assets and brownfield tie-ins. Our Engineers are able to use this data to customize design, inspection, and repair solutions to ensure the integrity of an asset throughout its life.

Corrosion Monitoring Services
FIMS expert Materials and Corrosion Engineers routinely work with our clients to specify the ideal type and frequency of corrosion monitoring needed to protect their assets. Our Engineers are able to develop Written Schemes of Examination for all equipment and structural components that are to be monitored. Our Engineers are also adept at interpreting modelling results in order to ensure that our client’s assets are being adequately protected from degradation.

Corrosion Mitigation and Control
Corrosion Mitigation and Controls are, broadly, a set of recommendations for barriers that control the rate of corrosion in a given system paired with the appropriate operations activities and inspection recommendations associated with those barriers. FIMS expert Materials and Corrosion Engineers are able to work with our clients to holistically create a set of mitigations and controls for each unique asset.


Facilities and Pipeline Integrity Management Services


FIMS International LTD.
500 4th Avenue S.W, Suite 2500
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 2V6
  • Office +1 (403) 907-1975
  • Toll Free 1-877-283-1685
  • Fax: +1 (403) 770-8662

Our Team Is Standing By!

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